Bo Norrving

Bo Norrving is professor in neurology at Lund University, Sweden. He has a long research career with >600 published papers and a H-index of 115. He is a founder of the Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke), the world’s 1st national stroke registry, He chaired the Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018 to 2030 organized by the European Stroke Organisation. He chaired the cerebrovascular disease group for revision of ICH-11 at the World Health Organisation. Under his initiative, a single block of all cerebrovascular diseases under diseases of the nervous system was created, and all cerebrovascular diseases were placed under Diseases of the Nervous System. Bo Norrving was President of the World Stroke Organisation from 2008 to 2012. Bo Norrving has played an important leadership role in raising the profile of stroke globally. He has represented stroke at the WHO and the UN for a long period. He has received >15 major scientific awards including the AHA/ASA Sherman Award, the ESO Presidential Award, the EAN Romberg award, and the World Stroke Organization Services for Stroke award. Bo Norrving was the Editor-in-Chief for the European Stroke Journal from the start of the journal 2015 up to 2021.

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